Chairmans Chat 2023


A tour around Farmstar at Newark

Hello all Country Linkers,

I hope everyone is looking forward to a good Christmas. I really enjoy the social events leading up to Christmas, it's always a good opportunity to catch up with people. It's so interesting to see the variety of Christmas meals, parties, and panto visits on the clubs' programmes.

Lorna and I finally managed to join one of Lorraine Clarke's national days out, visiting Upton house - a National Trust property in Warwickshire, on Sunday 3RD December. The House itself was owned in by Lord Bearsted whose father had founded the Shell oil company.

It was extensively remodelled in the 1920's, with Lady Bearsted being involved with the revised garden, there is also has a large art collection. Unfortunately, the day was very wet, but we had a great time exploring the house and gardens.

At Nottinghamshire Country Link we have had a couple of interesting events. We had a tour around Farmstar at Newark, a local Tractor and agricultural machinery dealership. As a non-farmer it was interesting to see the variety and complexity of machinery that we often see on the local roads and fields, especially when you see a large tractor disassembled. The amount of electronics and computers involved is also surprising.

More recently we went to the Robin Hood Theatre at Averham, near Newark, to see the production of The Flint Street Nativity. This was produced by The Robin Hood Theatre Company, a local amateur dramatics group. The play itself is a comedy about the production of a nativity play at a primary school with the children played by adults. As the characters have various mishaps, fear failure, and fallings out, they evolve to mirror their parents. The actors and actresses then play their character's parents at the end of the nativity, gathering together in the final scene to review the efforts of their children.

The Robin Hood Theatre itself was built in the grounds of the local rectory in 1913, having been designed by the vicar and built by a local craftsman. It became a public theatre in 1961 and seats 150 in the auditorium. The theatre maintains a reputation of producing professional, high standard entertainment even though it is completely run by volunteers and amateurs.

Well done to the clubs who continue to send their programmes in to Vicky for uploading on to the website. It is important that this is kept up to date and any that are out of date will be removed. There are still groups who don't send their programmes in, please remind your group organiser, or secretary, to send them to Vicky for uploading.

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Peter Hunt - Chairman


Hello all Country Linkers,

Well done to the team in Ayrshire Country Link for the excellent National Weekend held at Irvine in Scotland. There was a good attendance with more than 90 members from across the UK. Many more than we've had for some time. Lorna and myself took the opportunity, along with other members, to make it more of a holiday by staying extra nights on-route. We stayed at Otterburn, in Northumberland, before meeting up with other Country Link members on the Isle of Arran, just across the Firth of Clyde and with some fabulous scenery. Other members stopped off in Penrith, Blackpool (that well-known YFC AGM venue), and also in the Lake District.

As always, Friday night was fancy dress night (not compulsory but some weekend hosts charge a fine for the fund-raising if you don't dress up). The theme was famous characters, fact or fiction, past or present. Lorna and I dressed up as Mary Poppins and Bert the chimney sweep and, surprisingly, we won the couple's prize. Luckily no one asked us to sing any of the songs from the film - they would have been very disappointed!

A number of trips were arranged for Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday I visited Dumfries House. It was interesting to hear the history of the house, how it was saved for the nation, and the part that King Charles (then the Prince of Wales) had played in bringing it back to life. There is also a lot of apprenticeships on offer here for the local people, with farming, forestry, and traditional crafts all on offer.

On Saturday evening there a formal dinner-dance with many of the men wearing black-tie. There was fund-raising for the RSABI, and it is another chance to catch up with CL members from across the country.

There were more trips available on Sunday and I took the opportunity to visit the Lifeboat Station at Troon where we had a guided tour and a talk from the volunteers. It's fascinating to see the wide variety of equipment they use, and the good work they carry out saving lives at sea. They also provided tea and biscuits for us. It helps to put into perspective what you see on the TV about RNLI rescues.

Other visits included a trip to a horse-racing yard where the members saw horses training on the gallops, and a visit to the Maritime Museum in Irvine itself.

On Sunday afternoon we held the annual Members' meeting giving the members the opportunity to connect directly with the national committee. Lorraine Clarke from Warwickshire was thanked for her work in organising national days out. Lorraine would welcome suggestions from members for other places to visit in the future.

The weekend baton was handed over by Kirsteen Henry to Robyn Heath for the Shropshire Weekend to be held from 10th - 13th May 2024, and Robyn gave us some information about that weekend. Booking forms and information for this are now on the website.

I would encourage all members to come along and try a weekend. There are usually two per year - in the Spring and Autumn. Alternatively, you could think about show casing your own part of the country and host your own weekend. It is possible for neighbouring clubs to work together and host a weekend jointly. The national committee is very supportive and there is information in the handbook which can be found on the website.

Peter Hunt - Chairman

If you are reading this and would like to know more about Country Link, please take a look at the programmes section on the website to see what sort of things we get up to. You are welcome to get in touch with your local club directly or use our contact form. If there's no club in your area, you are welcome to join in as a national member.

Country Link looks forward to hearing from you.


Making Sushi Making Sushi Making Sushi
Making Sushi Making Sushi Making Sushi

Hello all Country Linkers,

I hope everyone is looking forward to the National Weekend in Ayrshire. Nottinghamshire group have 14 members attending, which will be the biggest attendance at a weekend, for our group, for several years.

During September Nottinghamshire started off with a Sushi making demonstration, carried out by our member Ania. Ania learnt how to make Sushi whilst living and working in Japan. The sushi is prepared using rice as the main ingredient, with your personal choice of vegetables, meat, fish, Japanese pickles, and even cream cheese. The selected ingredients are placed on a Nochi seaweed sheet, then rolled tightly and cut into slices. It's a real art learning the technique and some of us took the opportunity to have a go. It was all very tasty, and we had a really fun evening learning something new.

Our next meeting was a farm walk around Oxton Estates. This was a Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust event which some of our members chose to attend. It was very interesting to see how they had diversified and they now have a composting operation where they process garden rubbish from the local tip, there is a golf course on some of the land, and a natural burial ground. The evening was rounded off with a hog roast and a drink! The first week in October saw us holding our annual Harvest Supper at The Gleaners Inn in Calverton.

There are 3 Ploughing Matches in Nottinghamshire, all within a week of each other at the end of September. These are at Collingham, Flintham, and Southwell, although the actual site of the events does change each year. These are not usually listed on our programme but many of our members do attend and meet up. I'm sure this is the same with ploughing matches in your own areas.

The Country Link National committee met on 24th September to plan and discuss the direction of Country Link for the next 6 months. Just to remind everyone there will be a Members' Meeting at the National Weekend which everyone can attend. Please do take the opportunity as it is your chance to raise any concerns, or to make suggestions, directly to the National Committee.

Thanks to the clubs who are remembering to send in their new programmes for uploading to the website at the appropriate time. It is important that this is kept up to date and Vicky will arrange to remove any that are out of date. There are still plenty of clubs that don't send anything in. Please remind your group organiser or secretary to send them to Vicky for uploading.

I look forward to seeing you in Irvine and wish you a safe journey there.

Peter Hunt - Chairman


joining Worcestershire Country Link for a meal at the Hadley Bowling Green inn

Hello all Country Linkers,

I hope everyone is enjoying the current spell of sunshine and the better weather.

At Nottinghamshire Country Link we recently held our planning meeting for our Autumn and Winter programme. Hopefully the programme should soon be available and will include a selection of visits and meals, and after Christmas we will have guest speakers.

I'm sure other clubs will also be holding planning meetings for their new programmes, don't forget to send them to Vicky for uploading to the website. Vicky is currently chasing up clubs for new programmes.

On 19th August I had the opportunity to join Worcestershire CL for a meal at the Hadley Bowling Green inn. It was very spur of the moment. Lorna and I had been to visit my mum and on the way home called in to visit my old friend Rodney (Oxfordshire CL). Rodney was attending the meal so we decided to go along too. Many thanks to Susan Dufton at Worcester CL for being able to fit us in at such short notice. It was a lovely meal, in a nice country pub, and it was good to catch up with Worcester CL members again. Worcestershire is a friendly club with around 8 members and they do enjoy eating out. Friendship and Fellowship is what Country Link is about.

At the end of August I took part in the annual (local) Epperstone to Skegness cycle ride. This isn't a Country Link event but most of the participants are members of Nottinghamshire Country Link, whether they are cycling or part of the support crew. The route from Epperstone is 75 miles travelling mainly along country roads. It was an early start time, leaving at 8.30 am, and arriving in Skegness just before 5.00 pm. It's easier for me to meet the group in Newark so my journey was actually 5 miles shorter. The weather was mostly dry (only one shower!), and it wasn't too warm. It was very tiring but satisfying to complete. It's a great way to see the countryside and we all felt we had earned our pint of beer, and our fish and chips, on arrival in Skegness.

The national committee will be meeting towards the end of September. We hold two meetings each year approximately 4-6 weeks before a national weekend. This helps us to plan for the AGM in the Spring, and for the members meeting in the Autumn, both of which are held at the national weekends. All of the area reps are members of the national committee. Find out who the rep is for your club and contact them if you want to offer any feedback to the national committee.

We are now looking for a club to host a national weekend in the Autumn of 2024. This is the ideal opportunity for you to showcase your part of the country. You may have some different ideas about what you would like to see included in a weekend. And don't forget that neighbouring clubs can work together to host a weekend. There is a lot of support and advice available, including the handbook which can be found on the documents page of the country link website.

I'm very much looking forward to the November weekend in Irvine and hope to see many of you there.

Peter Hunt - Chairman

If you are reading this and would like to know more about Country Link, please take a look at the programmes section on the website to see what sort of things we get up to. You are welcome to get in touch with your local club directly or use our contact form. If there's no club in your area, you are welcome to join in as a national member.

Country Link looks forward to hearing from you.


Luke Jerram's Gaia Luke Jerram's Gaia

Hello all Country Linkers,

I hope everyone is surviving the very unseasonal wet weather. Hopefully the summer should be returning soon.

Nottinghamshire CL, where I am a member, have enjoyed a couple of interesting meetings recently. In July there was a visit to the mining museum at Mansfield. Nottinghamshire was a large coal mining area, as well as mining for gypsum and ironstone. The museum focussed on coal mining and, although small, was packed with mining memorabilia and technical information. The volunteers were all very enthusiastic and provided tea, coffee, and biscuits for our members. Exhibits included plates with pictures of local coalfields, pit banners, mining equipment, and there was also a virtual reality experience with headsets to view the pithead baths, pit ponies, and headstocks. One of our lady members was particularly taken with a photograph of the miners washing their neighbour's backs in the pithead baths!

At the beginning of August we had planned to visit the Bishop's Palace Gardens at Southwell Minster. Unfortunately, the gardens closed at 5.00 pm on the day we were due to visit. There was to be a concert in the garden the following day so the gardens were closed to allow the area to be prepared for the concert. However, Luke Jerram's Gaia was on display in the minster itself so we were able to go and see that. It is a replication of planet earth, as seen from space, and is 7 metres in diameter. It was suspended from the ceiling in the nave of the minster, rotates slowly, and there is specially composed music to accompany it.

It is an amazing sight but unfortunately anything further north than Africa is on the upper curve of the globe and cannot be seen. Most of Europe, the UK, Scandinavia, the USA and Canada, as well as the North Pole, are all out of sight. The entire African continent, Australia, and South America can all be seen clearly, as well as a small glimpse of New Zealand under the cloud cover. The artwork is on a global tour, and will be displayed in many UK cathedrals. Of course, we had to have the obligatory group photograph whilst standing underneath it.

There is the National Weekend in Scotland to look forward to from 3rd - 6th November, and Shropshire is confirmed for the spring weekend from Friday 10th - Monday 13th May 2024. Details for this will be on the website as soon as they are available. We now need a group to volunteer for Autumn 2024. Weekends can be arranged by clubs working together jointly. There is plenty of help available from the national committee, and also in the club handbook.

It's always good to look at other groups programmes and see what a wide variety of activities are enjoyed by the different clubs. It's important to keep these up to date on the website so please keep sending them in to Vicky who will arrange to have them uploaded. Reports from your meetings and activities can also be sent in for uploading, along with a couple of photographs to make them more interesting. These don't need to be too long and Vicky can fill them out a bit if you give her some information about the event.

We continue to advertise in the NFU Countryside magazine and that is booked through to the end of the calendar year. More recently a Letter to the Editor has been published in the Farmers Guardian in response to an article they published about loneliness amongst the farming community.

The National Committee will be meeting at the end of September, ahead of the Members Meeting at the National Weekend in Scotland. If you want to offer any feedback, or to raise any issues this should be done through your area rep who will feedback to the national committee. All area reps are on the committee and if unable to attend the meeting should send in a report. If you're not sure who your area rep is there is a list in the handbook on the documents page of the website.

Peter Hunt - Chairman


Photo courtesy of


A drink outside The Bromley, Fiskerton

A drink outside The Bromley, Fiskerton

Hello all Country Linkers,

I hope everyone is enjoying the short spells of sunshine, and managing to avoid the showers between them.

I enjoyed the recent Country Link National Weekend so much that I decided to take a holiday on the Norfolk Broads in June, along with my partner Lorna. Whilst away we took the opportunity to meet up with Jenny and Chris from Norfolk who had been part of the organising team for the weekend. Tony Paul wrote an excellent article about the weekend which has been published in the Eastern Daily Press. The bulk of this article is also on the website (Weekend Reports) for anyone who would like to read it.

Tony included a bit about the history of Country Link, and how it started, in his article. If you were on the trip to Oxburgh Hall on the Sunday morning there's a good chance your photograph will be in the paper. I would really encourage clubs to get articles published in their local newspapers as it is such good publicity. Always remember to put some contact details on there, even if it is the national website. Photographs are a good reader attraction too.

In the May Chairman's Chat I told you that in Nottinghamshire we had been on a walk in Fox Wood. Since then we have done three more walks on some lovely Summer evenings.

At the beginning of June we visited Netherfield Lagoons, on the flood plains of the River Trent. This area contains both gravel pits and slurry pits, where the slurry for nearby Gedling pit was dumped. The area is now managed by the Gedling Conservation Trust, is a local nature reserve, and is home to a wide variety of birds. It always amazes me how quickly nature recovers in these areas.

For our next meeting in June we visited Boundary Lane Farm where we were hosted by Anne and Nick Gray. Nick's family have farmed this land for over 100 years and it has a fascinating history. Anne provided coffee, tea, and cake for us which we all thoroughly enjoyed. Those of you who came to the South Normanton weekend last October may remember doing this farm walk.

Finally, last week (5th July) we had our annual photo quiz and walk. This time we started at The Bromley Pub in Fiskerton right at the side of the River Trent. Again, it was a lovely evening and you can see from the photograph that we all enjoyed a drink outside the pub afterwards.

It's always good to see the different events that other clubs have on their programmes. Please send in a report of your club's activities, along with a photo or two, to Vicky so that they can be loaded onto the website. The reports don't need to be long and should be sent to

A quick reminder that Lorraine Clark from Warwickshire Country Link is organising a National day out at the Anderton Boat Lift in Cheshire. This is to take place on Sunday 16th July. Details about the trip are on the Country Link website under upcoming events. The Victorian structure transports boats between the River Weaver, and the Trent and Mersey canal, over a height of 50 feet. It has featured in a number of TV programmes and was a visit during the Cheshire National Weekend at Frodsham in 2019.

Finally - congratulations to Dawn Le Gros for taking part in the Pink Ladies Tractor Run on 2nd July. This annual event raises money for Cancer Research UK (Breast Cancer Appeal). There will be a full report from Dawn but the latest news is that 197 tractors undertook the journey, Dawn has raised over £800.00 this time, and the Pink Ladies have now raised over £1 million since they started in 2004. Well done to all who took part.

Hope you all enjoy the rest of the Summer.

Peter Hunt - Chairman

If you are reading this and would like to know more about Country Link, please take a look at the programmes section on the website to see what sort of things we get up to. You are welcome to get in touch with your local club directly or use our contact form. If there's no club in your area, you are welcome to join in as a national member.

Country Link looks forward to hearing from you.


Hello all Country Linkers,

I hope everyone is having the opportunity to enjoy the nice weather.

Well done to the members from the Essex & Suffolk, and Norfolk groups for organising the very enjoyable National weekend in King's Lynn. If you haven't attended a National Weekend I would encourage all members to come along.

Friday night is always fancy dress and the theme for this weekend was Kings, Queens, Emperors, and Dictators. I dug out an Arab outfit, which I'd picked up on my travels, ready for the fancy dress competition during the Friday night function. This is just a fun competition, it's not compulsory and not everyone takes part, as a lot of people have travelled a long way.

During the weekend a number of trips were arranged for Saturday and Sunday. I decided to do the walks on offer on both days. The Saturday walk was a 7-mile circular walk, taking in Roydon common nature reserves, woodland, country lanes and stopping at the castle at Castle Rising. We had the opportunity to explore the castle ruins. Saturday night is a Black-Tie Dinner Dance.

Sunday's walk was 4 miles along the beach, during which we came across the remains of the steam trawler "Sheraton" on Hunstanton Beach.

On Sunday afternoon the national AGM was held during which the committee was elected for the coming year. The positions of Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer remain unchanged with me, Liz Goodwin, and Lesley Sheaf all being re-elected to our respective posts. Dick Stephens joined the committee having been elected as Vice-Chairman for the coming year. The President's Cup was presented by Peter Hurt, National President, to Ayrshire Country Link for the largest increase in membership.

The National Weekend Organiser's Key was handed over by Tony Paul (Essex and Suffolk) to Kirsteen Henry (Ayrshire) as Ayrshire are hosting the Autumn Weekend in Irvine from 3rd - 6th November 2023.

A buffet supper was served on Sunday evening, followed by a quiz, games, and a raffle. The charity supported by this weekend was Parkinson's UK and, as Chairman, I am proud to advise that over £500 was raised for this charity.

I hope everyone is enjoying the start of the Summer.

Peter Hunt - Chairman


Hello all Country Linkers,

I hope that everyone has enjoyed the Coronation Weekend. I can see from the programmes on the website that a lot of clubs have been either holding, or attending, coronation events. It has been the biggest Royal event since the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II in 1953 - 70 years ago! It was all quite spectacular.

At my club, in Nottinghamshire, we are now moving on to our summer programme, with just one or two dates still to fill. Recently we had an enjoyable visit to the Museum of the Horse at Tuxford, towards the north of the county, and which included a guided tour. The museum forms part of the Sally Mitchell Art Gallery, with the gallery downstairs and the museum upstairs. It is all located in an old coaching inn - The Newcastle Arms - on the old A1 London to Edinburgh route. In the courtyard there is an 18th century mail coach from the London to Holyhead route. Sally Mitchell herself guided us and explained the origins of some familiar sayings, such as dropped off. This is thought to have come from passengers sitting on the top of the coach, where the seats were wider than the coach itself. If the passengers on either end of the seat fell asleep then they did, quite literally, drop off!

The museum has thousands of exhibits covering the use of horses from all over the world over hundreds of years, and including exhibits from horse-racing, transport, working horses, and warfare. I have recently been looking into my family history and discovered that my great-grandfather was heavily involved with horses during WWI so I was particularly interested in the first world war exhibition.

Now that the nights are getting lighter, and the weather is improving, Nottinghamshire Country Link recently took the opportunity to go on an evening walk to look for bluebells in Fox Wood on the outskirts of Calverton, and close to our normal meeting place. Fox Wood is also the site of an ancient hill fort believed to be of either Iron Age or Roman origin, and is on the National Heritage List for England.

It's always nice to see what a wide ranging selection of events and meetings other clubs have on their programmes. If you would like to showcase your own clubs' activities you can send a report and a photo or two to Vicky Hutton, our web editor. The reports don't need to be long, and the photos do not have to include people. You can send to Vicky at

Like many of you I am now looking forward the weekend at King's Lynn, although I will also be preparing for my part in the running of the AGM.

Hopefully I will get a chance to meet some of you.

Peter Hunt - Chairman

If you are reading this and would like to know more about Country Link, please take a look at the programmes section on the website to see what sort of things we get up to. You are welcome to get in touch with your local club directly or use our contact form. If there's no club in your area, you are welcome to join in as a national member.

Country Link looks forward to hearing from you.


South Wiltshire Group together with the East Somerset Group


Hello all Country Linkers,

Hope you're all enjoying / have enjoyed the Easter holidays. As the weather starts to get better it's nice to be able to enjoy some evening and weekend visits.

Nottinghamshire Country Link recently had the opportunity to visit Steve Tooley's home and have a look around his collection of vintage and classic vehicles. Steve is a member of Notts Country Link, and some of you who came to Scalford Hall weekend in May 2016 may have visited Grain Tech Services which is run by Steve's son at the same location. Steve's collection includes a variety of vehicles from a Routemaster double-decker London bus through to Massey Ferguson tractors. Steve very kindly provided sausage rolls sourced from a local butcher, and our member Michele had baked rock buns. It all went down very well.

Lorraine and John Clarke joined us for the evening and it was good to welcome someone from another club. Lorraine used to work in the area but is now based in Warwickshire and is the West Midlands area rep.

Lorraine is busy organising a national day trip to Oakham Treasures on 18th April. This museum is based near to Bristol and is not the Oakham in Rutland. There is a wide variety of items on view, including those relating to retail and farming history. If April were not such a busy month for me at work I would most definitely have been looking at taking the day off to attend. If you would like to visit you need to contact Lorraine by Thursday 13th April to let her know. Details are on the front page of the website if you want more information.

The Derbyshire programme includes a couple of visits that are close to Nottinghamshire and we are including them on our next programme so that our members can also attend and make these joint meetings. The first of these is to The Great British Car Journey - a museum outlining the history of the car. At the end of August there is always an outdoor concert at Darley Abbey Park in Derby. This is a lovely setting and the fireworks are spectacular. Many people take picnics and have their lanterns ready for when it gets dark later in the evening.

It's always good to see the selection and variety of events that other clubs have on their programmes. If you would like to showcase your club's activities then send your programme in for inclusion on the website, or send a report in to Vicky Hutton (with one or more photos if you can) telling us all about it. The reports can be quite short, but it helps to show potential new members what we do. We just need to make it sound interesting. To contact Vicky please use the email address

The National Committee had a productive meeting on 26th March. Thanks to those committee members who travelled longer distances after having lost an hour's sleep due to the start of British Summer Time that weekend. We now have nominations in for all of the committee positions and we are prepared for the forthcoming national AGM at the King's Lynn weekend.

Looking forward to seeing you all at King's Lynn in May.

Peter Hunt - Chairman


Tucking into pancakes Tim preparing to toss a pancake

Hello all Country Linkers,

I hope everyone is looking forward to the Spring! In the East Midlands it seems to be the Dance Season. During February approximately 16 people from Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Country Link clubs attended a dinner dance which had been organised by Peter Hurt, and was held at a local golf centre. The Derbyshire crowd stayed over in a local Premier Inn and on Saturday morning some members met up at the same golf centre for breakfast before the Derbyshire people went off on their way home.

Derbyshire members, along with some members from other clubs, also attended a Barn Dance held in Tutbury.

In Nottinghamshire our first meeting in March was a slightly belated Pancake evening. This was held at Peter's house and is an annual event. It's a really good opportunity to sit and chat with other members during the evening. There's always an excellent turnout at this event. Of course, the pancakes help with that! Peter provides the eggs for the pancake batter, Michelle makes the batter, and Tim cooks the pancakes. Two other members provide hot roast pork and cobs so there is always plenty of food to go around. It's a real team effort.

There are a couple of pictures here of people sat tucking into their pancakes, and Tim preparing to toss a pancake. It is much harder than it looks to get a good actions shot!

It's good to see that more and more clubs are sending in their programmes for inclusion on the website. I know that Vicky keeps emailing the clubs to ask for them. If you don't have a programme then a short piece about which night (or day) of the week your club meets, with a contact name and phone number can be uploaded instead. Have a look at what's on the website already and see if you can send in something similar. I'm always impressed with the variety of meetings and the things you find to do in your areas. Now that we are advertising regularly it is important that the website is kept as up to date as possible. This creates a better impression of Country Link as a whole.

The Booking Forms for the Spring weekend are expected to be available very soon. The weekend is to be held at Knight's Hill Hotel on the outskirts of King's Lynn, Norfolk, from Friday 12th to Monday 15th May. They will be put on the website, Liz Goodwin will email put to group organisers and area reps, and I believe Phil Charles will email them out to everyone who attended the last weekend in South Normanton - as long as they have an email address for you. One way or another you should receive, or be able to access, a form for your use.

As is usual the National AGM will be held over the course of the weekend. This is the time of year that our National Subs are reviewed, and our National Committee members of Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Treasurer, and Secretary come up for re-election.

If you are interested in any position then you need to submit a nomination form to the national secretary by Friday 17th March, stating which position you are interested in, nominated by (name), and seconded by (name). Anyone wishing to stand for any position should be a fully paid-up member of Country Link and can only be nominated by, or seconded by, other fully paid-up members. Nomination forms have been emailed out to the group organisers so please ask them if you want one.

We do not currently have a Vice-Chairman so nominations are particularly welcome for that. Another vacant post is for an area rep for the East Midlands.

I look forward to seeing many of you in King's Lynn during the May weekend, and am hoping to visit more clubs around the country in the coming months.

Peter Hunt - Chairman

If you are reading this and would like to know more about Country Link, please take a look at the programmes section on the website to see what sort of things we get up to. You are welcome to get in touch with your local club directly or use our contact form. If there's no club in your area, you are welcome to join in as a national member.

Country Link looks forward to hearing from you.


Hello all Country Linkers,

Trust you are all well. At Nottinghamshire we have started the year with a couple of very interesting talks.

The first was from a charity called Drone to Home, who help to find lost dogs. Our speaker Phil explained how dogs can return within specific periods of time, perhaps going home or returning to a vehicle. If they don't return, a search can be made over a large area using a combination of helpers and the drone. As a former police officer Phil also included some tips on personal security within his talk. A report about this meeting is on the events and reports page of the website, together with a few photographs.

This was followed with a talk given by Jessica Spencer about her Young Farmers Club trip to Peru. Really nice to find out about the Country and the local culture. We were also impressed by the Young Farmer's work volunteering at a Children's Kindergarten in the mornings, and working in the gardens (growing strawberries) at an old people's home in the afternoon. A good number of Country Link members have also been members of Young Farmers in the past. In my case, very much in the past unfortunately!

I can see from the programmes that clubs have a good selection of events to look forward to. It will be great to get into the Spring and enjoy some good outside meetings once we hit the better weather and lighter evenings.

The National Committee will be holding our meeting at the end of March. The main focus of the meeting will be preparing for the National AGM, to be held during the National Weekend at King's Lynn in May. If you have any ideas, suggestions, or comments that you would like to raise please could you contact your area rep. The reps will be able to include them in their report to the committee. Nominations for the positions of Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Treasurer, and Secretary will be accepted at this meeting and the nomination forms are available on the website.

Follow the link below for the documents page, the Committee Nomination Form 2023 is at the top left of the page and is available to download.

Documents :: Country Link UK

Due to our current circumstances at home, I have been helping with tasks in the garden. I've been told that digging up leeks from frozen ground with a pickaxe is not the done thing. Still, it did work, and I am sure I will get the hang of it all eventually.

I'm now looking forward to the spring.

Peter Hunt - Chairman


Hello all Country Linkers,

First of all, I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year. I hope that you all had a good Christmas and enjoyed your New Year celebrations.

I must apologise for the rather late Chairman's Chat. Unfortunately, there were accidents and illness within the family and 2022 did not end as planned, or as I had hoped!

I'm sure all of the clubs will now be meeting again for their regular get togethers and gearing up for 2023 activities.

Our advertising campaign has started and will run for 1 year, from January 2023, in the NFU Countryside magazine. It has generated a couple of enquiries so is off to a good start. To help this along we need club information on the website. Please send your programmes to Vicky (email: so that she can get them uploaded. If you don't have a programme, take a look at what is on the website for Oxfordshire and send something similar to Vicky. She can edit as required if you're not very computer savvy. Please don't worry about it not being good enough. It's better to have something on there and Vicky is doing her best chasing people up and trying to keep it up to date.

The website is a back up to the advertising and can be a showcase for what the clubs do so any event reports and photographs can also be sent for uploading, and to encourage interest.

We have two weekends confirmed for 2023 and booking forms will be uploaded to the website for the Spring weekend as soon as they are available.

The Spring Weekend will run from Friday 12th to Monday 15th May and will be in Kings Lynn, Norfolk. A lovely part of the country to visit. The hotel is booked and trip and entertainment planning / organisation is going well.

In the Autumn the weekend will be held in Irvine, Ayrshire from Friday 3rd to Monday 6th November 2023.

I attended my very first National Weekend in Dumfries many years ago now, and always enjoy a trip to Scotland.

There are still a couple of vacancies on the committee which we would like to fill. We need a Vice-Chairman, and a Regional Rep for the East Midlands. Please talk to a committee member if you are interested in either of these positions. A conversation is not a commitment to taking on the role.

Let's hope that by working together we can increase our membership and grow Country Link during 2023.

Peter Hunt - Chairman

If you are reading this and would like to know more about Country Link, please take a look at the programmes section on the website to see what sort of things we get up to. You are welcome to get in touch with your local club directly or use our contact form. If there's no club in your area, you are welcome to join in as a national member.

Country Link looks forward to hearing from you.

Chairman's Chat Archive

2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016